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Location: Chennai, TamilNadu, India

Very opinionated in my writings. An introvert in reality. I love to talk with persons who have interests similar to mine.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sujatha's Masterpiece," A novel titled Yeappodhum Penn"

One of the most difficult things in the world is reading the mind and heart of a woman. In our country women have always been treated either as goddesses or miserably scorned. There have been very few who have treated women as equals and given them the respect they deserve by lending an ear to know what they think and feel. In this day and age women have become independent and self-sufficient. They have earned the respect because of their economic independence but still they are not completely understood and their feelings continue to remain confined within their heart.

This book talks about those same feelings, which are in the heart of every woman. Things that go through a woman’s heart at every stage of her life is so beautifully described by the author. The influence of the external world and society in the shaping of her attitude is shown with brilliant examples. Author gives a rational explanation to the ,sometimes, strange behavior of women, which have puzzled us for centuries. Answers to the questions like why a girl child likes a particular doll, why some adolescent girls have inhibitions about sex while some others are too curious and why some women hate men are explained in a way only Sujatha can.

Not only these, there are also concrete scientific evidences and explanations throughout the book which give us a lot of information. For instance the description about the stage by stage development of a fetus in to a complete Child would cause envy to many physiology professors.

The story is also not devoid of the old classic literature touch. There are small snippets of poem lines between chapters, which show the author’s proficiency in the language. There is also a sincere attempt by the author to make the story contemporary to the period it was written. I would like to remind the readers that this story was written in a monthly magazine long back as a serial story.

The only low point in the book I see is the usage of a particular slang which is not common and acceptable to all sections of tamil speaking public.Those who do not understand the slang may get bored with the book.But for those who understand the enjoyment is doubled. May be the author wanted it tobe that way.

This book is a must read for people who indulge in watching and enjoying pornography and other stuff that dehumanize women. They will definitely not look at women as lifeless objects of pleasure after reading this book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogging world, partha!!!

Now, keep the blogs coming..


12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have depicted sujata's yaeoppodhum penn very well. In the sentence u used the word contemporary which means belongs to same period and again u r meaning for the same period which is not required. I have not read that book so i donot how sofar u have potrayed that story. I like the last paragraph each person should look women as a human instead of just by sexual means.I appreciated ur work. try to provide further blogs. all the best


12:19 AM  
Blogger Lakshmi said...

An extremely well-composed criticism.
Gives an insight of the novel and also a little bit of yourself.

Its nice to come across people who still have( or is it, have started having) respect for women.

Like your style. Looks like u are an experienced hand at writing.

Waiting for updates. Come up with them soon :)

4:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey partha that was good stuff ,your writing style.... the flow of thoughts is very clear.Looking forward for ur next update


6:29 PM  

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