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Location: Chennai, TamilNadu, India

Very opinionated in my writings. An introvert in reality. I love to talk with persons who have interests similar to mine.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Katradhum Petradhum

Sujatha's learnings and experiences

While reading this book two things struck my mind. How could a man be so
knowledgable in a variety of topics.The second, can a profesional engineer become a master at arts and that too writing.I was totally convinced with the answers I got after finishing this book

To write on a wide spectrum of topics one has to be vastly experienced. The articles in this book cover a variety of topics including Literature,Computers,QuantumPhysics molecularbiology and electronics.The author is able to write on these diverse topics with absolute conviction only because of his experience and knowledge.I dont think anyone could write a book like this at an young age.Also,unless one has the thirst to learn new things he cannot gain knowledge in such diverse topics.

Any engineer can also be master at art only if he is able to see a life beyond his profession.I think many of us struggle in this regard since we are required to pour so much time in to our work.But,if we strike a balance between our professional and personal lives we can be the painters or the writers or the actors that we wish we could be.I think the author is a fine example for a man who can have successful carrers in both arts and science.His writings in this book describe exactly the same .

To sum it up the book makes interesting reading.The book was originally intended to be an autobiography of Sujatha. But Sujatha has made it much more interesting by writing about his learnings and experineces in addition to the description of incidents in his personal life.